Facebook Plays Role In PR War Over ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Debate - AllFacebook

Facebook Plays Role In PR War Over ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Debate - AllFacebook


  1. THE GAME ALREADY BEGUN, Beautiful plus UNIQUE ...As the rhetoric around the “fiscal cliff” talks heat up in Washington, D.C., President Barack Obama and the Republican leadership in Congress are squaring off on Facebook to to tell their sides of the story. It’s not unlike the summer of 2011, when congressional leaders used Facebook and other social media channels to rally support for their sides during negotiations to raise the debt ceiling — and we know how well those talks went.

    The fiscal cliff talks have hit a standstill after the president’s initial offer was roundly rejected by Republicans on Capitol Hill this week. And we all know what deadlock means: Let the Facebook wars commence!

    Here’s a recap of how each side is using Facebook to gain an edge:

    On Wednesday, the administration introduced Twitter hashtag #My2k into the fiscal cliff debate. The message was promptly turned into a Facebook post on the president’s page and reiterated in subsequent posts. The first message, which asks, “Tell us what $2,000 means to you and your family,” is liked 42,366 times.


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