
Showing posts from 2017

Optical illusions....

PAY Attention to the Small details....

Science prove beyond doubts ....

Signs of Great Abundance ....

Signs of Guiding Angels....

Bad apples do Exists....

Banned Stories on Adam and Eve....

Roman Catholic Church hiding secrets ....

Mormon Cult Secrrets ....

Exposing their own Doctrines.... Mirmon Ministries.

Religion, Violence and War....

Serious Stupid people in Financial Crisis....

Quotes and Quotation Mistakes....

The Crimes of U.S. Presidents....

A Disgraceful Act. ... Worse than in Prison.

The injustice of the SYSTEM .... "I can't Forgive or Forget."

Facts, Fakes and Propaganda .....The Wall or Pearl of Great PRICE.

Yes Truth can be Painful and Costly in Deed... Realustically.

Yes Somebody will have to PAY for the Damage... Absolutely.

The Need to Know of the Risks attached and Entangled... Automatically. Yes Conditions and Terms must be Apllied... Absolutely.

Special Relashionship ....

Londin is but a Part of the UK....

Safty first from Threats and TERROR ....

Beach Body .... Sexy Images!!

Question Time on Quality "matters" .... Evidently.

Resilience (vs) Constant Seige as in Exceptional Extremists!!

Fix The Congress ....The State of the Union !!

The Distinction of a Clear image indeed .... The Inception!!

The Oneness concept "inception".... Presumably

The Separation of no longer Two but One as in Oneness .... Obviously!!

Google is Connected and Linked .... Politically.

Yes be much more Aware.... Absilutely.

Dramatic Changes are "expected" from the New Conditions and Terms on Derivatives and Accelerators to "influence" in a Corrupt manner or Way.... Evidently.

Compromised within Corruption. ...

Reach into the Depth of The Deep State .... Specifically.

GO and Get the Bad guys .... Seriously.

The Dossier. ....

Real Genuine Fakes in Deed.... Absolutely!!

Yes they Control your Profile DATA indeed ....

Yes they control your Profil Data ....

The Evil Emperor .... Evidently or Presumably.

Yes what Rights and Justice in Deed... Specifically.

The Counterstrike ....

Storm is underway ....

Emergency .... Terror and Silence.

Insecurity in Sight. ... What Security....

Prepared and Ready for Attack. ....

Who is telling LIES ....

The Blame game....

The Blame game continues ....

Time to Make a MOVE .... The Pope and Trump....

About illegal Status ....

Insecurity insight....

Truth reasserts Automatically....

Compromised indeed.... PROVE it in the Supreme Courts of Justice....

More Revelations.... Truth Reasserts indeed is No Coincidence!!!

Trump signed Power to Seize Assets....


Foto to click on.... Specifically

Ray loke... Loke san. (Foto... Click) .

Ray loke

Click on Photo. "Ray loke" ...

Get Connected... LIINK up.... Click on Photo!!!

Conflict of Laws .... Specifically.

Trump Declared a State of Emergency.... Executive Order!!


The Congress or The President have the Final Word...??

Legality to be Enforced.... Justification can't be Delayed much Longer !!

Mind alteration Drug .... Revealed.

Obama Treason.... Exposed.

Peace Keepers.... Absolute Control Corrupts!!

Yes ID 2020 indeed.... Specifically.

Sunshine Empire scheme a Ponzi...??

The Spirit of Christmas....

The Spirit of Christmas....

Face the REALITY...

National Security indeed is identify "who" to rely on Realistically!!

Revealed the Reliability indeed is about the Liability of Damage and Loss that one have to Adapt to Absolutely!!

Conspiracy Revealed....

Bruce Ohr orchestrated the Dossier.....

Refuse to Testify in Congress....

3 Arrested in Alabama Vote Fraud....

Sound Self interest in the Net Neutrality environment....

Deep State and Purple Revolution....

Totally unprepared.... Possibly!!

Treason charges are in Sight....

Philosophy and Ideology does Matter in Great Significance.... Specifically.

Evaluate Accountability Accordingly....

Value Matters.... Absolutely!!

The Hidden Truth.... SACRED Truth indeed.... Forbidden City!!

Jail time in Prison Planet....

Who are the Crooks indeed.... Specifically.

Guilty and Lying....

Sessions got Caught....

Sell Out indeed.... Sessions!!

Rot in Prison indeed.... Conflict of interest and Corruption are Consequences!!

Insecurity is in Sight.... Insightful Indeed!!

Rude Awakening indeed....

Concoctions and Distraction will Destroy CREDIBILITY.... What integrity??

Christmas shopping for the SEASON....

FBI is in a Conflict of interest.... Realistically!!

Their Laws or Our Laws..... Crisis of identity!!

The Need to Know matters....

Justify Accountability indeed....

Misplaced indeed is incorrectly Placed....

Gone but not LOST... Yes very lightly indeed Found within The Foundation.... Specifically!!

The airport Tarmac meeting....

Paid to Talk....

Judges heading to Prison Planet....

Democratic Process....

Fast and Furious Corruption.... Scandals and Lies !!

Body Count continues to be Endless.... Specifically.

Monitor and Assess the Risks posed indeed...

Obama's Covert ORDER.....

The Ultimatum.... Obama and Rules of Engagement!!

Words MATTER....

Changing the Wordings in Deed MATTER...

Conspiring and Conspiracy.... Consequences!!

Preveledged Sacred Sovereignty is in Supremacy as in any Democracy.... Specifically!!

Who is Guilty indeed... Specifically!!

Yes Being in a Pressure Cooker indeed.... The Role and Post of a JUDGE.

Dossier Funders....

Busted Massive Scandals....

Ideology or Party do not come First.... Priority List!!

Justification with Evidence of to Prove.... Specifically.

Obama Attempt to erase History....

Obama's Deep State....

Move with Decision.... Pope and Trump.

Face the Nation.... Jerusalem.

Move to Recognize.... Jerusalem.

Israel security is sacrosanct.... Non Negotiable!!

Fusion GPS....

More compromising and revealing....

Defending a LIE....

Legality in Sight....

Bribery exposed....

Trump sues FBI....

Lucid Dreamer....

She is the most Corrupted....

Most Corrupted....

Embarrassing indeed....

Mopping up .....

Some understanding....

Caught in a LIE.....

Talking Point.... Secret Service (vs) Reporter!!

The Messenger, Minions and Master ....

Just do it Right.... Do it Correctly!!

Contempt of Congress..... CItation.

The Need to Know.... Who had LIED.!!

Tai Pan....

The PURGE indeed....

Recognition of Supremacy in "international" Law....

The Capital of Israel....

What World Leaders think...

The Impact of Trump's Decision on Jerusalem.... Specifically.

Trump's move on Jerusalem....

Supernatural Blessings indeed....

Absolute precision indeed is a Breakthrough of the Deep State.... Seriously.

The Impact indeed is Truly Implosive.... Realistically.

Trump is totally Different.... Truly Unique in Deed!!

Truth finally REASSERTS itself... Realistically.

Between Church and State....

Between Cbbtzzz Chafmmm

Inequality Media.... Realistically.

Expand Beyond excellence in Deed....

Yes Bias and Hate groups must PAY for the Damage Done... Absolutely!!

Why Turkey not Rome....

Gog and Magog....

Amazing Alliance....

Covert Plan....

The Secret Plan.... The Deep State!!

High Probability.... Expectations!!

The Standard of Living.... Expectations!!

The Dollar Crisis....

Pulling the Plug.... 2nd Chance!! The RETURN.

Entire System indeed is Something Wrong...??


Turk Airlines... Going Beyond!!

The Crash is Coming.... Bubbles!!

Scare Mongering in Deed... Specifically.

Very Big Mistakes.... Specifically.

Much More Destructive indeed.... Specifically.

MORE Surprises are Coming... Still!!!


Delightful numerous Varieties of beautiful colored flowers.... Absolutely.

Acceptable by God... And approved by men..??

Massive Wiretapping by Obama....

Influenced indeed....

Working overtime on Confession.... Apparently!!

Yes Validated and Rectified a Lies answer Scams plus SPAMS... Specifically.

Jared Kushner is involved indeed....

Exceptionally Extremes in US Policies in Deed.... Specifically.

Fight for the Right and Correct CAUSES....

Compromised Safety.... Specifically.

Make the Best possible decisions.... Realistically.

Extremely hard to Correct such incorrectness... Politically!!

Grant System in Deed.... Favors the wrong selection of people!!

Enforcement of the Rules and Regulations indeed.... Generating Faith and Trust!!

Stifling Innovative Creations from Manifestation.... Specifically.

Portals Opening ....

The Responsibility of The President in Deed.... Specifically.

Choice is to be a Part of the Engine... Or a part of the Load.

Suspicious Business Practices....

The investigation on Abuse of Power....

Freedom Watch filed Lawsuit on Clinton.....

Sabotaging and Scandals plus SPAMS, Spins and Fake News....

Repeal & Replace.... Remove & Renewed....

Sessions Lied....

Reasons why Sessions is in Trouble....

Truth is in Plain Sight... Who is truly Guilty and Lies!!

Sessions failure to investigate.... Accordingly!!

United We Dream.... "Yes We Can" ....

PAY To Play ... Place your Bet....

"You Know NOTHING...."

Epic Ann Coulter....

What Honesty indeed....

Timeline Online Realtime.... Realistically!!!

Hypocrites in Deed.....

Mock the DUMBEST in Deed....

Yes Get REAL....

Confused Claims and Projections in Proclaiming Truth as Fakes...??

Mock and Jokes in Deed....

Prison Planet on Planet EARTH...??

Yes Somebody have to Recognize what Evil Deed is indeed.... Realistically!!

Violation means not Valid to Perform.... Resign and PAY up the FINE.

Foundation system of operations... sell favours....

High Risks.... Political Games!!

Senseless Tragedies....

Dinesh exposes Hillary.... Realistically.

Incompetent in Deed....

Real Russian Deal cover up....

Ways and Means applied in order to Exit in Deed....

Security is Specifically within clear SIGHT ....

Decline to Comment .... Not Answering any Question??

Unhappy? ... Get to "know" your Life PURPOSE.

Same or Different.... Brain Settings!!

The Chariots of Israel....

UFOs and Aliens.... Wheels within wheels just as Dreams within Dreams!!

Brave Souls... Going against al Odds!!!

Halloween and Hollywood indeed.... Specifically

The Sun never SET ... Twilight ZONE.

SOPHIA is Coming our way....

Much More indicted indeed ....

Defense already Set indeed ....

Charges related to Russia....

Yes NO Accountability indeed.... Absolutely as in Realistically or Evidently!!!

LEAKS To the Extreme End .... Evidently!!

Playing dumb all the time.... Seriously or Specifically!!

The Powers Behind .... Systems of Operation indeed!!

The Real truth indeed....

Don't mess with Russia....

Banned in Russia ....

Man Made Hurricanes. ....

Morality vs. Livelyhood .... SPY on Politicians!!

More Secrets Emerge. ....

Implicated in Major Scandal....

Specifically it is just not Good ENOUGH... Evidently!!

FRAUD, And Abused ....

Yes... In deed is a COMPLETE Failure ....

Who Controls What in deed.... Specifically!!

The Bankers Plan in deed....

Yes Just Like a Slave to The Truth .... Realistically!!

Turning The World upside Down ... Round and Round!!

Scam and Spam indeed is the Past time...or hobby like being a Politician ??

Classified and Declared a Terrorist ... Branded indeed!!

Justice is Served ...

Like Water ... Style and Body System...

DATA Statistics on Forensics ....

The True and Real picture or image Projected....

Germany in trouble....

Super Predators in deed....

Judgement Day in Deed...

Deep State and The Reality....

To the Exceptional Extremes... Evidently!!

Accelerators and Derivatives at work indeed .... Specifically!!

Complete total Combustion indeed ....

By Grace in Truth is Drastic Realization indeed... Realistically!!

Unique Energy Weapon ....

Strange Ananomy Science fiction... Epic episode...

ODD Super Lazered energy experimented... ??

Microwaved or Burned.... Presure Cooker ??

Amazing OPEN Minded indeed... Still !!

Caught on Camera.... Chemtrial and Cern !!

TRUTH Shattered.... The Space and Pace of Speed!!

Handle the Truth ... Sequence will Lead to Sequences plus the Consquences that will Follow, Accordingly!!

The First Lady....

Pretty Polished Power ....

Friend or Enemy in deed....

Setting the Table in exceptional ways....

Pay to Play ... Payoff in Plain Sight!!

Curveball vs. Hardball.... Deserve to be Served!!

Conflict of interests within HOMELAND Security....

The Last Word...... Damage CONTROL !!

Spheres falling from Space....

Religious Freedom ...

Religious Liberty and Freedom....

Indicted for Bribery and Fraud....

America is Gone....

Get Out NOW ....

Get Out NOW....

True meaning of Liberty ....

Freedom from War ....

Mandatory to wear a Badge. ....

NO Taxation without Representation ....

Domestic Terrorism.... Felony and Treason!!

California a Separate State of the US... ??

California State (vs) Federal Control ....

Unmask them in Deed.... Crisis of Identity!!

Vast and Varied explainations.... Accountability is Justification indeed!!

Exceptionaly Extreme in DANGER indeed....

Found dead indeed....

High stakes at high Risks.... Realistically!!

The Housekeeper "matters".... Specifically!!

Who are the Leakers ... ??

The SUBSTANCE Matter not the Process.... Evidently!!

Chinatown in CHINA... ??

Definately a case of Leveraged Purity in Deed.... Specifically!!

Deception and Corruption.... Exceptionally Extreme!!

More Roses....

Roses in abundance....

Roses are Red...

Balancing board...

Conflicting Claims.... China and Russia!!

Get Out of our Country....

Who truly CARES.... Really!!

Warmongers.... ??

Yes NO Right to Demand indeed.... Specifically!!

Smiling Still...

Yes You have NO Rights indeed.... Realistically!!

Political Correctness in Deed.... Defined Politically as in Evidently in Specifics, Seriously!!

Astonishing Lack of Leadership....

Unbelivable indeed....

2Tier Justice System....

Specifically indeed....

What massive mess indeed.... Realistically!!

Mystery behind Suicides....

Coverup and Victimize....

Obama Administration is Fraudulent....

IRS And Obama Crimes....

Yes Nail it indeed.... ASAP.

The Interests in helping and Caring business matters... No matter "whatever" opportunities, Realistically!!

Casting Doubt indeed....

Yes Really WEIRD indeed.... Specifically!!

Inevitable Indeed.... ??

Forced to Quit on "irregularities".... Beyond normally natural, Abnormally as in Realistically!!

Unable to verify Computer was Infected.... Specifically!!

Yes the Trap of Extremism indeed....

The Edge matters indeed....

The END of Flat Earth debates....

Mindblow Genius inventions....

The REAL Deal indeed.... Free Energy

Motor charged.... Generator, Alternator.

Six footer tour Guide.... Moscow, Russia. 2017 May 11.

Non Negotiable !!

Walls are Closing in .... Realistically!!

Crime had increased.... Seriously!!

Short End of the Stick ....The fuse is Short indeed !!

Shared Humanity Destiny... !!

Yes The Root Cause indeed Matters ....Absolutely!!

Out of LINE... Timeline and Dateline plus RED Line indeed!!

Speculation or Investment indeed.... Absolutely!!

Lapses in Security. .... Astounding Failure!!!

The Plot or Plan indeed ....Specifically and Realistically!!

Sessions protecting Clinton Network...??

Yes without Borders .... Let's FLY !!!

Flip Flop Disfunctional System indeed is Not The Way!!!

Exceptional Extreme Ways indeed....

Respect of Religion truly Means. ....

Most Embarrassing Moment....

Never Before ....unprecedented!!

The Challenge and The Contest....

FACE the Reality.... Realistically!!

Hillary Charged .... Criminal Offence!!

The OMEN....

The OMEN....

Infidel Judge....

Outrage indeed is Obvious, Obliviously!!

Make no Mistake....

Mobility Matters.... Make your MARK.

Conquest and Slavery....

The Good and Bad plus the Ugly ones ....

DO more Cost Less.... The Possibilities!!

True Colors and True Love indeed Matters.... Realistically!!

The Hills are Alive with true Love for the Country.... ??

The Right and Correct WAY indeed.....

Thumbs Up all the Way....

Yes Purity Leveraged in Deed .... Family or Blood Ties and Lies!!

Much More are Arrested indeed....

Attacked for the wrong "purpose" and Reason.... Realistically!!

Words of Power indeed.... Realistically!!

Probe on Leaks.... Specifically!!

Who is helping Antifa ....?

Civil Rights are One sided ....?

Deception and Diversion .... Distraction.

Preserve and Protect. ....

The Outpouring .... Two Preachers!!

Stored Secretly indeed.... Hidden Truth!!

DNC Scandals....


The Savior....??

The Art of the Deal....

Amazing Prayer....

Dynamic Spirituality....

Prayer Warriors....

Heads will Roll.... Realistically.

Bribed indeed....

Once and for All....

EPIC Meltdown....

Most Interesting....

Windfall.... Specifically.

Related Content matters.... Specifically.

Who are the Racists....

Phoenix Rising from Fire....

Rich was the Source.... Specifically.

Yes about the Leaks and Servers.... Realistically.

Total Control.... Specifically.

Assange for Truth....

Wikileaks gave Evidence on Russian involvement....

Wikileaks unveiled more Evidence to prove.... Specifically!!

Carson on Obama....

Getting Real DEEP indeed....

Obama's Offshore accounts exposed....

Finnish Sketch.... Skewed and Screwed!! | Create your stunning website with the Wix Editor

Real DEEP State indeed....

Yes Genuine FAKES....

Yes Get REAL.... FACE the Truth of the matter indeed.... Specifically as in Seriously or Realistically!!

Cultural SHOCK indeed is that the True and REAL Strength indeed lies with The Overseas CHINESE and the "status or state" of their UNITY, Ultimately!!!

Good and Decent People....

Many Many sides.... Specifically and Realistically!!

Shame on You.....

Real Conversations.... Not BS.!!

About to erupt in Florida, California

Religious war to Start in Washington, New York....

NYC Church ambushed.... Realistically.

More Tragedies.... Seriously.

Deadly Consequences indeed.... Specifically.

Serious trouble indeed....

Yes with all due RESPECT.... SPECIFICALLY.

The Rat RACE in Deed.... Definitely!!

The White House.... Or The Game of Thrones!!

Huge Mess indeed....

Moving in Different direction.... Specifically.

Tearing down Corruption....

Believe or not....

More Proof....??

Yes Real Miracles.... Seriously.

Yes BEYOND Science or explanations....

Fengshui is "Utter Rubbish "....

Live And Let Live....

Those who BELIEVE....

The Jewish Panda....

My Hero....

The Dangers of Religions....

When the Wise Speaks....

Yes the IMPOSSIBLE can Happen....

Deeply Rooted indeed.... Realistically!!

Yes Already BEGUN.... Mysteriously!!

Yes a COUP is a Possibility.... Mysterious Sources indeed !!

Yes Hugh Massive MESS.... SPECIFICALLY.

Yes GREAT Violation of Laws.... Even the Consti!!

Harvesting Organs.....

No Joke.... Just Facts!!

FBI Helped "set up" ....

Biggest Lawsuit on Obama Administration.... Specifically.

Sessions Fired Four....

Sessions Situation in WH .....

Doubt on Trump Ability.... Realistically.

Protus and Profits..... Realistically.

Truth Suppressed.... Specifically.

Shocking Dead Voters ....

California Voter FRAUD....

Protect integrity.... Specifically.

Covering up....

Amazing Awesome Abundance of emails.... Absolutely.

Shadowing Trump..... Specifically.

Food Stamps Fraud.... Specifically.

Agenda 21 Destroyed....

Agenda 21....??

Agenda 21.... Shadow Government!!

The Elephant in the Room....

A Clear Message.... Specifically.

I'm not God....

Live on TV....

Yes SET On Fire....

Charges of Treason against Obama Administration....

Unethical and Illegal indeed!!!

Sessions Demands investigation.... Specifically.

Sept 23.... 2017.

The End 2017..... (Show).

Tarmac Meet unleashed....

MOVE IT.... Accordingly!!

Yes the Form and Formation of The Foundation indeed must be Grounded for Growth.... Specifically!!

Wlikleaks exposed Mueller....

The Dumbest Agenda....??

The very worst.... Specifically.

Yes.... Exposed indeed.... Specifically.

Trump Stopped Muiller.....

Tribulation period indeed is here to Stay.... Seriously.

Yes much more than ever.... Evidently!!