Dr. Ben Carson on President Obama's Diversity Problem


  1. DIVERSITY with Supporters ;
    YES TRUE Beauty of the RAINBOW indeed is JUST Like ''My Fair Lady'' significantly is about all the multitude of colors within ''establishing'' capability of capacity in ONE unique BODY ABSOLUTELY ; DIVERSITY matters absolutely as in the more colors will obliviously ''make'' the RAINBOW much more BEAUTIFUL EVIDENTLY ; RESET as in Exchange or ''change'' is Shift or Repackaging as in REPLACEMENT within The Government indeed matters ABSOLUTELY ; RESPONSIBILITY of The Leader is all about Accountability within JUSTIFICATION for TRUE Justice that is not delayed as in DENIED ; FREEDOM Speech For Some REASON Relates to The Leadership with LIMITLESS Rights only ''after'' being fully STRESS Tested to The LIMIT in deed matters ''absolutely'' in Limitless plus ENDLESS Persistency [vs] Talent ABSOLUTELY as in EVIDENTLY plus REALISTICALLY Altogether as wellness ''as in'' oneness is but truly the uniqueness of ONE ; ....
    hours ago


    Power Grab as to ''any'' SOVEREIGNTY REFINED as in Refine plus Redefine plus RESET that ''We Want ANSWERS'' plus Response Evidently; .... ''significantly means'' that One is from both the east and west side or part of the Mindset matters within The BODY which is truly Alive still ''relates'' to contents of Anything plus ''whatever'' that moves or not as in EVERYTHING ABSOLUTELY. ... http://youtu.be/UcSSRGkHfSU

  2. BLOSSOM of Uniqueness in deed MATTERS ABSOLUTELY ; NATURALLY DIVERSITY with Supporters matters as in RESET ''mindset'' is significantly in The Cultivation of a NEW Culture of Awareness within MINDFULNESS Realistically, ...is just-like in The REALIZATION plus Developing a NEW Age CULTURE or encountering a Culture SHOCK ;
    YES Simultaneously TRUE Beauty of the RAINBOW indeed is JUST Like ''My Fair Lady'' significantly is about all the multitude of colors within ''establishing'' capability of capacity in ONE unique BODY ABSOLUTELY ; DIVERSITY matters ''absolutely'' as in the more colors will obliviously ''make'' the RAINBOW much more BEAUTIFUL EVIDENTLY ; YES RESET as in Exchange or ''change'' is Shift or Repackaging as in REPLACEMENT within The Government indeed matters ABSOLUTELY ; The RESPONSIBILITY of The Leader is all about Accountability within JUSTIFICATION for TRUE Justice that is not delayed as in DENIED ; FREEDOM Speech For Some REASON Relates to The Leadership with LIMITLESS Rights only ''after'' being fully STRESS Tested to The LIMIT in deed matters ''absolutely'' in Limitless plus ENDLESS Persistency [vs] Talent ABSOLUTELY as in EVIDENTLY plus REALISTICALLY Altogether as wellness ''as in'' oneness is but truly the uniqueness of ONE ; ....
    hours ago


    Power Grab as to ''any'' SOVEREIGNTY REFINED as in Refine plus Redefine plus RESET that ''We Want ANSWERS'' plus Response Evidently; .... ''significantly means'' that One is from both the east and west side or part of the Mindset matters within The BODY which is truly Alive still ''relates'' to contents of Anything plus ''whatever'' that moves or not as in EVERYTHING ABSOLUTELY. ... http://youtu.be/UcSSRGkHfSU


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