RSA Animate - The Paradox of Choice


  1. THE CRISIS to Chaos is the existence of Choice ''plus'' CHANGE our present DOMAIN of Attachments and the ''entanglements'' Accordingly plus ABSOLUTELY is such an open OPTION Available presently plus REALISTICALLY ; ...

  2. YES, Everything as in ''every move'' that you make, ...see or hear or think, idea, opinion or perspective ... AS in Poor Dad Rich Dad in deed is such a case REALISTICALLY is ''evidently the need'' to CHANGE plus Exchange REALISTICALLY as in PROPERLY ; Freedom Fight in deed is the way to RESOLVE the issues at hand that is truly BLOCKING the ''process'' of LAW being APPLIED Properly plus HOPEFYLLY ; YES, CHANGE The Law or CONSTITUTION Accordingly is but a matter of UNDERSTANDING what the ''word'' really MEANS ABSOLUTELY ! .... SOMETIMES The end does not JUSTIFIES the means ABSOLUTELY ; INDEED it is all in the proper mix for the magic PORTION as it is in the PARTIAL or Proper way to SHUTDOWN REALISTICALLY ; ... VERY True in deed that the word PROPER PORTION matters is in the POLITICAL correctness that had gone the ''improper'' way or system intended is just-like whenever we WALK PROPERLY we will soon see in ''what way'' that we could probably WALK PROPERLY possibly ''plus'' REALISTICALLY ; COMPOUND interest in deed is the Eigth wonder of the world REALISTICALLY ; YES MORE or less MUCH less in deed is TRUE as in Lifetime is Realtime in the MarketPlace Absolutely as in Reality is Really REAL INDEED that Everything as in ''every move'' that you make, ...see or hear or think, idea, opinion or perspective ... of UNIQUENESS as in OMNI Powered by The SOURCE ABSOLUTELY is truly BEYOND BELIEFS. THE CRISIS to Chaos is the existence of Choice ''plus'' CHANGE our present DOMAIN of Attachments and the ''entanglements'' Accordingly plus ABSOLUTELY is such an open OPTION Available presently plus REALISTICALLY ; ...


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