Climate Shame - the Global Warming Farce

Climate Shame - the Global Warming Farce


  1. FARCE or really REALTIME indeed matters OBVIOUSLY ; ... FACE REALITY , ...
    Throughout history, science has constantly been at the beck and call of the political leadership class – whether it was the church in the Middle Ages, or nobility during the Renaissance, or Democratically created institutions in our day and age. Science is always being poked, prodded and manipulated by politicians.

    The current saga over whether or not humans have played a “significant” factor in climate change is just more proof of what history has taught us.

    I don’t think we should be too harsh with these scientists. They are, after all, only trying to “survive.” The problem is not the scientists that have been employed to conduct these scientific investigations. The problem is that we have tasked huge, poorly managed government entities with overseeing their work. Millions of dollars get poured into research that has finding a “certain” outcome in its own best interests. If the climate scientists continue to report the devastatingly terrifying news that humans do indeed play an important role in “global climate change,” then their research continues to get its sorely needed funding. We’re not just talking nickels and dimes either folks… there are Billions (with a B) of dollars at stake for these scientists and their research organizations.



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