
Showing posts from March, 2014

"Acid Alkaline Balance" by Barbara O'Neill

Pentagon Generals Ready to Arrest Obama After CIA Columbia Obama Trial

5 US Generals Threaten Obama With Coup Should He Attack Syria (Part 1)

Obama to Military - Will you FIRE on Americans?

Obama Says The Constitution Is Out Dated- International Law Is Supreme

(Official Movie) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?

World's Smartest Creationist VS. Richard Dawkins

Leuren Moret: Flight 370 was US demo for Putin; Patent scam; Payback for...

UKIP Multiculturalism has Failed in Europe (Must Watch) 2013

UKIP Exposing BBC Propaganda

Why churches should brace for a mass exodus of the faithful - The Week

New Secret Edward Snowden Interview They Won't Let Americans See "They W...

The Great Deception; New World Order; Anti-Christ; End-Times Flood, Fear...

Talk to Al Jazeera - Yingluck Shinawatra: "This is unlawful"

Daniel Reisel: The neuroscience of restorative justice

Pure Nature Specials - Mutation - The Science of Survival

The Evolution of Time (Director's Cut)

"Universe or Multiverse" [Full Documentary] 2013

How Hackers Changed the World (BBC Documentary 2013)

The Weather Is Changing (Full HAARP Chemtrail Documentary 2013 HD)

Obama's Impeachment and Trial for War Crimes

Surly Rachel Maddow Outraged That Even Liberal ABC Dared To Question Obama

Bankers Ready To Start WW3 Over Ukraine?

Guns, Cannabis & True Freedom (DTRH w/Popeye 02-19-2014)

US General: "Assault On Christianity in the Military Worse Than Most Peo...

Bill Clinton and Bill Maher: Stand-Up Comedy (1995)

World's Smartest Creationist VS. Richard Dawkins


EndGame HQ full length version

Aliens ; The Great Deception (Documentary)

Extra Dimensional Creatures known as Rods (Documentary)

If You're a Christian You BETTER WATCH THIS!!! PLACEBO

The Coming Invasion 2014 [FULL] Top Secret - Steve Quayle


America Is Not A Democracy - Noam Chomsky

Chomsky explains who U.S. leaders work for and what they have done.

Obama is worse than George Bush and Tony Blair says Noam Chomsky